Now Playing: Elena Paparizou - OK
Let me state for the record - I LOVE GREECE.
I arrived in Athens (after a lovely night in London with Shane, and then a crazy day of coffees with various fab ladies in London) at evil o'clock in the morning, and made my way to Menandrou Street, site of the Amaryllis Inn hotel that I've stayed in so often. Just up the road is the Hotel Appia, which is as convenient, but far far cheaper. That's where I stayed this time round.
Somebody mentioned to me recently the adage that acting is a whore's profession, which made it seem very ironic to me that all of the streets named after the major ancient dramatists in Athens (Euripidou, Sofokleou, etc) are the epicentre of the red-light district. Menandrou, like the playwright it's named after, is less interesting...
I slept for an insane portion of my first few days in Athens, and did precious little else (apart from devouring my airport read, entitled "The Rule of Four", which was part Da Vinci Code, part Secret History. Not bad, but strictly for holidays.
Then, Saturday morning, I met lovely Fryni and Pavlina and we drove down to Epidaurus. Hurrah!! It was funny to arrive back at the hotel (where nothing has changed) and realise that it's been another year already. Having done various odd jobs, and had a quick snooze, I headed for the ancient theatre with Gregory, to see "Oedipus Rex".
I have NEVER seen the place so full. Rather than telling you about the production, I can (haha!) refer you to my review of it, which was published in an Athenian cultural magazine called "anti", that's probably on the news stands in Athens until next week, when the new issue is due. Or until it's sold out...
And for good measure, here's a photo of me, in the theatre...
Next issue - the summer course, part one... the students arrive...

Written by Conor
at 12:01 AM KDT
Updated: Sunday, 24 July 2005 12:11 PM KDT